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Upcoming NA Meetings
Time | Name | Address / Platform | Region |
9:00 AM | Morning Meditation Group | 307 North 10th Street | Lafayette |
10:00 AM | Winners Do What They Have To Group | Winners Do What They Have To Group | Indianapolis |
10:00 AM | Progress Over Everything Group | 408 East Illinois Street | Urbana |
10:30 AM | If Using Was the Answer What was the Question Grp | 153 North Vermilion Street | Danville |
12:00 PM | Journey Continues Group Lafayette | 307 North 10th Street | Lafayette |
12:00 PM | For Addicts in Recovery Group North Neil Street | 1210 North Neil Street | Champaign |
5:00 PM | Narcotics Anonymous at the Alano Club Group | 1245 East River Street | Kankakee |
6:30 PM | Lost Dreams Awakened Group | 947 North Pennsylvania Street | Indianapolis |
7:00 PM | Clean And Serene Group | 2900 East Markland Avenue | Kokomo |
7:00 PM | Pathway To Recovery Group | 2135 North Alabama Street | Indianapolis |
7:00 PM | Clean In Clermont Group | 9204 West Crawfordsville Road | Clermont |
7:00 PM | Vintage Recovery Group | 7124 West 137th Place | Cedar Lake |
7:00 PM | New Way to Live Group Carmel | 14598 Oak Ridge Road | Carmel |
7:00 PM | Step By Step Group | 307 North 10th Street | Lafayette |
7:00 PM | Rainbow Recovery Group | 30 Tilman Avenue | Danville |
7:00 PM | It Works Group Lafayette | 330 Fountain Street | Lafayette |
7:00 PM | Recovery In Haughville Group | 1301 North Goodlet Avenue | Indianapolis |
7:15 PM | I Wan NA Live Group | 2302 Moreland Boulevard | Champaign |
7:30 PM | Living in the Solution Group | 600 Kirkwood Drive | Greencastle |
7:30 PM | New Way Group Peru | 53 West Main Street | Peru |
7:30 PM | Serenity Circle Group | 570 North Michigan Street | Argos |
7:30 PM | More Will Be Revealed Group Indianapolis | 8600 North College Avenue | Indianapolis |
8:00 PM | New Beginnings Group Crawfordsville | 212 East Wabash Avenue | Crawfordsville |
8:00 PM | In From the Storm Group | 1011 South Wright Street | Champaign |
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